Whole30 Diaries: Day 1

Yes, I hopped on the Whole30 bandwagon. The girl who said “I could never give up cheese” gave up cheese. (It’s only day 1, we will see how that goes)

Although I’m not completely through my first day, I thought I should start documenting my progress and status. (No, I haven’t eaten cheese…yet).

I will say, I did not have my normal after lunch slump, like I normally do. I did run to the grocery store and get a few things, so I walked around quite a bit. I also had a salad for lunch, sooooo.

One of the items I was looking for at the store was a compliant salad dressing for said salad. You know my local grocery store has about 235 different salad dressing options and I found TWO that were compliant. WHAT. I think the biggest thing I’ve taken away is that sugar is just in everything…..that was the dressing issue. All the dressings I looked at either had sugar or honey added. I even went to grab some tuna packs to keep at work in case I forgot a lunch one day and the ones I grabbed had sugar added!

Overall, I’m somehow in a good mental state about this. We spent most of the weekend prepping and shopping. And I still have even more prep work to do still! A lot of the reading I was doing mentioned prep work–and how it’s the biggest inhibitor of success. Which, totally makes sense. Even when I wasn’t doing Whole30, if I forgot to bring a lunch I just jumped across the street to the cursed ‘Golden Arches’…. Even though it’s only day 1 I feel….cleaner? If that makes sense? And if that’s even possible? We shall see how the next 29 days go 🙂

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