Whole30 Diaries: Day 22

Wow, what the heck? We are on our last FULL week of Whole30…..I don’t know how this happened, but we’re almost there! (You guessed it, still no cheese)

Personally, I’m in a much better mindset at this point. I’m no longer thinking “would it be THAT bad if I had half a doughnut?” or “can’t we have ONE cheat meal??”. I have all the meals planned through our last day. I’m no longer craving just a few sips of apple juice, or a fruit bowl. Now it’s more so “hm. a banana sounds good. maybe I’ll have one” Today I got a little ahead of myself and was feeling so energetic I didn’t have any caffeine today….that ended in one of the most painful migraines I’ve ever had. Yesterday, I got 18,000 steps in, payed two games of softball and worked in the yard for a few hours only running off of a cup of tea around 4pm.

I haven’t weighed myself yet, but I’m sure I’ve lost weight. I’ll have progress pictures to post at the end. Sam has lost over 10 lbs in 20 days, with no exercise. CRAZY. Again, for me, the hardest part had been the prep and label scrutinizing. I miss cheese and toast the most. I think Sam misses DQ and beer most. We both have been faced with social situations surronding alcohol, doughnuts, butter, etc. and said no each time. I’m so proud of both of us.

I think some non-compliant mayo messed me up. I bought some thinking it was Whole30 and just didn’t read the label enough. Then I got super sick. It could have been coincidence or maybe the tuna I mixed it in was bad. I’m going to try my hardest to do the reintroduction process properly once this is over to see what my triggers are. Basically, you are supposed to re-introduce one food group at a time (ex: have some dairy for bfast lunch and dinner) then, go back to eating Whole30 for two days and see if/how your’e effected. Did you bloat, breakout, joints start hurting?

One of my neighbors told me I inspired them to give it a try! Super proud of her! It’s not easy, I’ll say that. But it’s possible. And I truly believe it’s possible for everyone. It really actually bugs me when I tell people what I’m doing and they say “I couldn’t do it”. No you COULD. You just don’t want to. It’s a lot of work. And it’s sad sometimes, lol. And you miss cheese and brownies. But it’s doable.

I can’t wait to see my changes on day 30. Like I mentioned, I’ve almost entirely lost my flubby tummy, my hair is super healthy and voluptuous, I have more energy, I’m in a better mood…Definitely getting to the mindset of “this was worth it”.



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